GFE IRL Accountability Lab
You already know - the most accountable lab goes IRL. Join us for some creative work and community.
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You already know - the most accountable lab goes IRL. Join us for some creative work and community.
Hey nerds, let’s game. Collab with and Bay Area Girls Who Game group.
Details to follow.
Outdoors?! Why! Because we can. Let's enjoy some fresh air, potluck and/or bbq (depending on location), and make some art while we're at it. Location TBA. Family friendly event.
San Francisco Zine Fest is a free admission event where makers and lovers of zines can get together and buy/trade zines. Please bring 20 zines to trade with others.
Afterwards, we'll head out to get some lunch and share our loot!
Join GFE at the Back Table at DAMOakland to support the amazing DAMevents and experience the best of the culture. Tickets available at
GFE recognizes the stress of daily life on the community. Daily we are bombarded with the societal stress of being creatives, forced to adhere to norms that are not of our design. The GFE Retreat is therefore designed to be a retreat to recharge, connect, and build community so that upon return to society, we are realigned with our creative purpose.
First and foremost, GFE Retreat is messy buns and sweatpants, taking naps, and easing into the morning and night. **This is not a party space; it is a retreat space.** Also key to our community:
- GFE Retreat will always be inclusive.
- GFE Retreat will challenge you in the kindest of ways.
- GFE Retreat will have opportunities for reflection.
Lastly, GFE Retreat asks everyone to contribute to the community - whether it’s helping cook or clean, or take turns sweeping, or paying for rideshares. We do not want you to be a passive participant during the retreat - but we want you to be engaged, connected, and contributing.
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Dates: June 19-23
Ever have a proper tea party? Do you want to? Join us at Dartealing Lounge in San Francisco for a tea party, complete with finger sandwiches and fancy tea. Yes you can wear a fancy hat. est $45 per person
Let's go on a hike - an easy relatively flat hike somewhere TBA. Maybe it'll end at a restaurant? Who knows.
Join the GFE Family at a Wine Tasting hosted by ARLO! Everyone bring a bottle of your favorite wine and a snack to share, and we'll do a wine tasting and education together. Don't worry if you have never done this before - it'll be friendly and fun way to try some wine.
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Maecenas lobortis tincidunt nisl, at elementum sapien volutpat vitae. Vivamus ornare iaculis odio quis consectetur. Aliquam eu iaculis velit. Donec condimentum risus eget augue blandit, vitae hendrerit velit accumsan. Aenean ipsum orci, eleifend sed nisi vel, aliquet iaculis purus. Curabitur porttitor vel odio ut congue. Duis pretium sapien sed egestas bibendum.
Integer ac metus id leo facilisis convallis vel ac ligula. Donec nec nisi lectus. Proin ac ex luctus, luctus magna sed, blandit tellus. Etiam imperdiet, nisl sed lobortis consequat, arcu augue auctor lacus, in elementum purus orci et orci. Aliquam pellentesque neque ac metus molestie lacinia. In placerat erat sit amet pharetra semper. Nam non nisi vitae tortor lacinia aliquet. Quisque ut aliquam nulla. Quisque sed varius dui. Sed nulla velit, maximus ut scelerisque sit amet, venenatis at nibh. Vivamus a elementum erat, eget blandit nisi.
Vestibulum molestie convallis dui, non congue arcu commodo suscipit. Vestibulum a leo risus. Quisque sem augue, maximus id magna sed, consectetur aliquet arcu. Curabitur nulla risus, ullamcorper vitae mi vel, accumsan bibendum nisi. Vestibulum at orci vitae lacus placerat faucibus eget quis sem.
Nullam posuere bibendum vestibulum. Aliquam lobortis semper nibh, nec viverra tellus consequat in. Nulla cursus, tellus at aliquet faucibus, dolor sapien lacinia tellus, a condimentum lectus mi non massa. Fusce a augue elit. Vivamus pretium luctus quam congue commodo. Quisque sagittis est eu vestibulum hendrerit. Mauris sed tortor ex. Integer auctor diam elit, sit amet varius ipsum semper sed. In id placerat orci
Proin efficitur justo scelerisque venenatis porttitor. In tincidunt nisi id leo consequat, sed vestibulum purus placerat. Nunc ut semper dui. Vestibulum semper sem vel eros faucibus, a luctus diam vulputate. Integer ac maximus lectus. Vestibulum non luctus arcu. Nunc venenatis rutrum malesuada. Phasellus eleifend gravida augue id tincidunt. Proin sed metus sed ligula fringilla elementum. Donec cursus ligula sed lorem iaculis ultricies. Integer in erat aliquam, sagittis nisi quis, varius dui. Pellentesque non suscipit sapien, at auctor nibh.