The Facts
It me!
I’m Charlene Lobo Soriano.
Hi. I wear many hats: cheerleader, coach, crackerjack. I’m at my best when I’m working with people helping them to achieve their goals however big or small. I meet with individuals and groups. Every now and then I virtually stream, holding office hours and engagements. Monthly I host social spaces to co-work and have a little fun IRL.
Of people are taller than me.
Of my life I spent in school.
Preferred dark chocolate percentage.
Coaching is a vocation.
I love being a coach. It’s something that I studied in school, honed in my professional career, and do in my free time. Helping others comes naturally, but it’s not always easy to ask for help, and I totally get that.
Coaching is often seen as something that people who struggle need - but you don’t have to struggle to work with a coach. Sometimes you’ll need an outside opinion or one that will challenge you, sometimes you’ll need validation or even space/time work work. Many executives you know hire coaches, and you don’t need to be an executive to work with one (but if you are one, hire me!).
Let’s do this.
You need a coach? You know one. It me. Let’s talk.