The Life Edit - Fall 2020 Edition

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I may have mentioned this before, but if you would have told me that I’d be doing a blog, live streaming, and coaching online, I would have said, you trippin’.

But here we are.

My first stream was in late September online, and I was greatly inspired by the DJs of that community. In April I started listening to a few DJs live stream that I knew, and then soon grew to virtually meet and follow many of them, building a schedule of life around them. I love music, and have always had a song in my heart and on the brain since I was little. It was part of my identify, my mood, and motivations. COVID meant no more going out, no more listening to music on a static playlist that rarely grew or changed. Twitch provided me with space to not just expand my musical range but become a part of an amazing community that has embraced me back.

My life since 2018 is best described as massively prototyping - learning about what could be but just trying something, one bit at a time. The Life Edit is a v2.0 of many of the workshops I’ve lead in the past alongside some new ones. It’s wild to think about building out future streams - almost four months later I’m thinking two months out about what’s next and how to make it all happen. And you know what? I’m kind of in love with it.

So far we’ve done two: Time Management and Strengths. Time Management is less about how to plan your life, but how we plan our life - what priorities are and how we establish them. A question that hit home for a lot of folks was “What is the origin of your relationship with time?” I would answer that myself as I had a parent that lagged a lot and one that insisted on being early to everything to a fault - I find myself wanting to be the one on time but am heavily influenced by pulling things together last minute (sorry Husband), and putting things on in the car on the way. I struggle with being on time but know how important it is and every time I’m present on the hour is a huge Herculean effort on my behalf that I try to play off as if it were nothing.

Today we did Strengths - and I used the High 5 Test with the group - encouraged viewers to take it before (and some did DURING the stream, shout out to them) so we can be grounded in the methodology and have stuff to talk about. I have some grounding in Strengths having been trained by Gallup peeps for the Clifton Strengthsfinder, and this was helpful. I tend to be more articulate when I’m familiar, and I’ll admit that some streams, when I’m less comfy, can be challenging to do, but I try.

I finished my promotion page for the series, and I’m excited about having folks come through. It’s always nice to see the same folks over and over again, and to see them in my DMs telling me things have been helpful has been meaningful for me, tbh. I really want to take stuff offline and do things in real life, but until COVID calms down that’s not going to happen (wear a mask, folks). In the meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out how to do things via video chat and that’s coming up next! Maybe during office hours (Wednesdays 9-10PM PST)?

